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Venice Tennis Clinics (free)

Come and join for a day of fun at the Tennis Courts (Saturday and Sunday).

Free one-on-one Tennis clinic; you should know the basics of the game (level 2.0 or better).

We'll discuss specific areas of strength and improvement; in order to take your game to the next level. We'll also discuss multiple aspects of tennis: tennis fundamentals, correct technique, strategy, tactics, advanced skills, topspin, slice, net play, shot selection, and so on. To move to the next level, one must sharpen the aforementioned aspects and master correct tennis technique for each stroke. We’ll show you how.

The instructor has many years of experience teaching people how to play tennis and become very competitive (including advanced players for tournament level). He has also spent thousands of hours of community service teaching people how to play tennis. Many people from Venice and visitors have already benefited from these clinics. Multiple testimonials and clinic written materials are available by request.

Reserve your one-hour slot for Saturday or Sunday (courts located at Venice Avenue). First come first served basis. Please send us email with a preferred time (from 12:00 to 5:00).

Have a happy day in paradise!

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